* By submitting the form above, you grant Prime Choice Funding permission to contact you via phone, email, text, and other means. If you have any questions or concerns, please call 877-787-7463 or send an email to info@primechoicefunding.com. Privacy Policy | Terms of Use | SMS Terms | Licensing | Prime Choice Funding, Inc. | 1100 Town and Country Rd Suite 1250, Office 1206, Orange, CA 92868 | DRE # 01806911, NMLS # 117375, NMLS Consumer Access | Equal Housing Lender | Arizona Mortgage Banker License #940991 | Texas State Compliance.
This is not a commitment to make a loan. All approvals are subject to creditworthiness, underwriting guidelines, satisfactory title and appraisal on your home. Minimum and maximum loan amounts do apply. The final decision is subject to the lender’s approval and may be based on additional information or documentation that is required during the underwriting process. Not all applicants will qualify. Prime Choice Funding, Inc. is not affiliated with or acting on behalf of or at the direction of FHA, VA or the Federal Government.